Supporting Our Troops for the Holidays
For many of our service men and women overseas, spending the holidays away from family is the hardest part of the job. A comforting care package from home lets them know that they ARE in our thoughts.
Starting in November, 2014, Annie’s Hallmark Baldoria made Care Package Kits available to those interested in remembering soldiers and veterans this holiday season.
The kit, available for $12, included a USPS box, directions on how to fill the box, content suggestions, The Soldier’s Psalm, and a Braveheart Pin for the sender to keep. All proceeds from kit sales helped to offset the postage costs.
We were overwhelmed by the support we received from our caring customers. Boxes began pouring in filled with stockings and much-appreciated supplies. Many boxes even contained personal letters and photos, which our troops tell us connects them more than anything to their homeland.
Boxes lined the stock rooms and Annie’s Elves began adding Stars from retired American Flags to the care packages. Once our project was completed, we sent more than 200 care packages to soldiers overseas to help them celebrate the holiday season.
We were amazed by the volume of support from our customers. And much look forward to preparing care packages again this year. Many thanks to our incredible customers who made this project possible.
United We Care
Annie’s has been blessed to have been a part of this fantastic community for over 25 years. Without the support of our loyal customers and our wonderful associates, our charity events simply wouldn’t have been successful. Thank you for your continued support throughout the years!
Each year we work to support both local and national charities. Contributions come from customer participation, employee support, and store donations. Doing our part to make this community and our world a better place.
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